Cleaning Of Carpet Upholstery and Mattresses

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Cleaning of Carpet Upholstery and Mattresses

Carpet and Rugs cleaning requires professional expertise in identifying the material and the type of cleaning that best suits the material. Fitted carpet cleaning is easy unlike a rug made of wool or silk. NOFM offers regular maintenance cleaning of fitted carpets in homes, offices and public places. NOFM also offers stain removals from carpets and rugs. Service is offered in all areas of QATAR.

Carpets & Rugs Cleaning

Modern home carpets need to be cleaned regularly, not only for cosmetic stains, but increasingly, for hygiene. Carpets are home to Dust Mites which is the number 1 culprit for causing asthma. Bacteria, mold, fungi, and even viruses may also be present. We NOFM are one of the best carpet cleaning and Rugs Cleaning company in Qatar

Upholstery & Mattress Cleaning

Upholstery and mattress hygiene is also important and both of these areas tend to be neglected. Our cleaning process utilizes deep cleaning technology combined with environmentally friendly anti-bacterial/ anti-fungal detergents. This gives you peace of mind in knowing that your sofa or mattress is hygienically clean. We NOFM are one of the best Upholstery & Mattress Cleaning company in Qatar

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